I have fantasized about having sex with you all day. I know you are sick and maybe not in the mood to think about me violently having my will and way with you, but on the other hand it´s you and you have never left me wanting for a moist willing vagina or a hungry cocksucking mouth. I’m actually a terribly lucky bastard to have you my muse, my sexkitten, my burning loins of love.
But her It goes … a burning stream of consciousness that started in my bath where my dick raised itself in hardened stiffness to the visions in my mind.
I imagine
it´s late - a weekday at your place. We have smoked, had a couple of beers and suddenly I tell you that now we will go to the basement. You protest but you soon realize its futile cause I insist passionately, grabbing and squeezing your tits under your bra, kissing your ears and face saying, "don’t make me use my birthdaypresent-blowjobcard cause then
i´ll also take pictures."
Down in the basement there is an open wooden plank door … luckily. I undress you kissing you. You protest again, but I make you do as I want, telling you that it is a weekday and no one will come around
here this time a night. And by the way you don’t have any saying in this, cause you are a prisoner in a prisonbrothel in a fare and dark apocalyptic distant future and i’m your prison guard, and in this world its obey or perish.
I hide your cloths. Not far away, but out of reach for you. Then i bring forth a camera telling you that we need to take a prison-inmate picture. But first I write “FUCKGIRL -666” just below you breast and an arrow pointing upwards towards your mouth and one downwards towards your pussy, which I also feel to make sure it appropriately nice and wet. Over the top arrow, over your breasts from
shoulder to shoulder I write fuckhole 10$/cumsuck 5$. Below the other arrow I write Cunt 5$/Ass 10$.
I put you in handcuffs, put you up again the wall and take some pictures forcing you to slutsmile. You refuse and protest again and I turn you around and spank you with my belt. You realize that the sounds maybe can be heard fare away and you do as you are told.
Pleased with the progress I put you in your cell and slam the door. I tell you that the prisonguards often visit FUCKGIRL-666 and she also have a lot of customers. Allready 7 today and before the day is over
probably 12. 4 has already splashed their sperm in her cunt, 1 one her face and 2 in her mouth. Sometimes that’s the only thing she gets to eat and it is a valuable protein, so she has greedly swallowed it all. Wiping it from her face, catching it when it poured from her pussy. She has almost the ability to tell what the man has been eaten the last couple of hours just by tasting his sperm. That’s the only taste of meat she gets.
I open the door. You step forward. I throw a little pillow on the floor and you knell on it. I unzip and almost proudly present my cock to you. You open your mouth but first I run the smooth wet head over your face, painting you with transparent stripes of sperm. You stick your tongue trying to catch my dick. I stick it in your mouth. Grab you hair, go deep. You gag a little but suppress it and start moving your head. I relax a little enjoying your greedy sucking slurps. I whisper that you are definitely the best cumsucker in the prison. You nod on my dick. I climax fast … but I pull out in time … just in time.
Down in the basement there is an open wooden plank door … luckily. I undress you kissing you. You protest again, but I make you do as I want, telling you that it is a weekday and no one will come around
here this time a night. And by the way you don’t have any saying in this, cause you are a prisoner in a prisonbrothel in a fare and dark apocalyptic distant future and i’m your prison guard, and in this world its obey or perish.
I hide your cloths. Not far away, but out of reach for you. Then i bring forth a camera telling you that we need to take a prison-inmate picture. But first I write “FUCKGIRL -666” just below you breast and an arrow pointing upwards towards your mouth and one downwards towards your pussy, which I also feel to make sure it appropriately nice and wet. Over the top arrow, over your breasts from
shoulder to shoulder I write fuckhole 10$/cumsuck 5$. Below the other arrow I write Cunt 5$/Ass 10$.
I put you in handcuffs, put you up again the wall and take some pictures forcing you to slutsmile. You refuse and protest again and I turn you around and spank you with my belt. You realize that the sounds maybe can be heard fare away and you do as you are told.
Pleased with the progress I put you in your cell and slam the door. I tell you that the prisonguards often visit FUCKGIRL-666 and she also have a lot of customers. Allready 7 today and before the day is over
probably 12. 4 has already splashed their sperm in her cunt, 1 one her face and 2 in her mouth. Sometimes that’s the only thing she gets to eat and it is a valuable protein, so she has greedly swallowed it all. Wiping it from her face, catching it when it poured from her pussy. She has almost the ability to tell what the man has been eaten the last couple of hours just by tasting his sperm. That’s the only taste of meat she gets.
I open the door. You step forward. I throw a little pillow on the floor and you knell on it. I unzip and almost proudly present my cock to you. You open your mouth but first I run the smooth wet head over your face, painting you with transparent stripes of sperm. You stick your tongue trying to catch my dick. I stick it in your mouth. Grab you hair, go deep. You gag a little but suppress it and start moving your head. I relax a little enjoying your greedy sucking slurps. I whisper that you are definitely the best cumsucker in the prison. You nod on my dick. I climax fast … but I pull out in time … just in time.
I uncuff you and order you to put your hands on the floor. I undress to. I double finger you a little before I stuff my cock inside you.You gasp as you feel the long hard being slide till the bottom of you. Then I start fucking you hard from at standing position downwards and it forces you to lie your head on the floor between you arms and you feel your bouncing tits scrape against the cement. Now you climax fast with every solid asslaping dickpound. I split your buttock and spit on your asshole and thumb my way in to you still furiously fucking your pussy. You lose control forget where you are as you come not knowing
how loud you are. As I pull out you drop to the floor. But I grab you by the hair and say “get in your cell” the next costumer is here …ready your 10$ fuckhole”.
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